Herroww... :)
I'm a first year drama student and i will be using this blog to write short reviews on the plays i watch over the year, I hope you find it intresting or usefull...if not you no what to do. :)
Bubi now.

Monday 23 May 2011


The piece had some strong elements, but i think it was underdeveloped and seemed a bit crammed together. I enjoyed the storyline but i think alot more could have been done with it.

White men with weapons.

This show was 'out of this world' in so many ways. It was a one man performance about the South African army. He played so many different characters all which had there own persona. Thoroughly enjoyable.


Redrum was a a promanade performance; the first one i have experianced. Although it had scary elements, i was a little dissapointed. The plot was not clear enough,i think if i was given a brief outline before hand i would have understood it more.

Others Video review.

Monday 2 May 2011

Clockwork orange.

Storyline was fantastic and some really strong acting was in place, However the technical side of this media orientated interpritation of the classinc film was not as strong as it could have been. I think given a few more days rehearsal the play would have been a real hit. All in all a good effort.

Fiddler on the roof.

A modern interpritation on the classic musical. A great production from the third year drama students. Great singing, dancing and acting. The cast showed real star quality.